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Price Table

Private Office

$199per Month
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$799per Month
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$49per Hour
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Não se consegue situar com exatidão a data do nascimento da indústria cerâmica do Loreto. Contudo, julga-se que surgiu neste local, junto à linha do caminho-de-ferro e a EN1, em consequência da necessidade de deslocar as inúmeras cerâmicas que abundavam na baixa de Coimbra durante o século XIX, impedidas de se desenvolverem por estarem estranguladas pela própria cidade.

A história do Lufapo Hub, Séc. XIX

It is known that on June 21, 1923, the company A Cerâmica Limitada, deeded a plot of land located in Vale Paraíso, Loreto, parish of Eiras, where it would already be built a “house of ground floor, second floor, and attic for offices, residences, and warehouse; a masonry and brick pavilion of a ground floor and three floors for machinery and a house for the power plant. Under construction would be “two pavilions, one for manufacturing faience and another for carpentry.

Lufapo Hub history, 1923

It is considered that this factory unit began the era of the great ceramics industry in Coimbra, having had rapid growth in the first years of production, “later reaching employing about 1000 workers and being, in its kind, one of the largest in the country.”

Lufapo Hub history, 1920 Decade


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